Noel Leeming Commercial

Device Configuration and Security Services

Be sure your operating systems are up to date. Manage your devices with asset and/or BIOS tags to add to your asset register. Consult with our experienced services team to recommend the best solutions for your organisation or school.

Ongoing support is also available to update any changes to a golden image and releasing operating systems updates when required to ensure ongoing system stability.

Rapid setup  |  Cost-effective |  PC standardisation  |  Trusted support

 Committed to making sustainable business easy and affordable for everyone.

Golden Image and/or Windows updates

Support to update any changes to a golden image and releasing windows updates when required to keep system stability.

Asset Tagging

Record the serial # of the device to your asset register, and physically tag the device.

BIOS Tagging

When physical tags can be removed, BIOS tagging ensures that you can track your devices.

Other services

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]