Noel Leeming Commercial

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Helping you and your school stay digitally switched-on in a world of evolving technology.

To chat, get in touch with your local account manager.

Grants for Good can fuel your digital transformation


Some help with finding those funds

Does your school have a technology-based project in mind but lacks the funds to make it happen?
Our partners at Grants for Good are specialists in educational funding and know the industry inside-out. So when it comes to your grant applications, having them on your side makes sense.


Grants for Good Vs Going it alone

Grants for Good only do one thing: help schools get the funding they need for the resources their students deserve. So it’s no wonder they do it really efficiently. They know exactly who to ask and how to ask for money. On the other hand, managing your own funding applications is likely to be admin-heavy, labour-intensive and ultimately, less fruitful.

How it works

It’s simple. You put in a request and Grants for Good will help to secure the funding required. They will take the time to gather information from you about your project and put their passion, care and expertise to work in an application that is more likely to lead to a successful outcome.

How to get started

Simply fill in this short form to tell us about your next project and we will be in touch before connecting you to Grants for Good.


Grants for Good drove the whole process for us which made it really easy on me. Loved the results – we now have 63 new Chromebooks from Noel Leeming which has led to a huge improvement in in-class and home learning engagement. And it took some stress off our budget too!
Nigel Tyler, Principal, St Marys School Hokitika


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    +12 (0) 345 678 9


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