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Practice sets on Google Classroom


Practice (sets) makes perfect

Practice sets in Google Classroom uses the power of AI to generate an individualised learning experience for students. Educators can effortlessly transform their own teaching content into engaging interactive assignments. By utilising the auto grading- tool, teachers can significantly reduce the time spent on manual grading. These practice sets not only facilitate effective instruction but also provide invaluable insights for teachers to customise future lesson plans and allocate additional time to specific concepts or students in need of extra support.

Practice sets offer students the advantage of real-time feedback, ensuring they remain on the right path as they complete assignments. Whenever they encounter challenges, they can access helpful hints through engaging visual explainers and informative videos. Moreover, when they successfully solve a problem, Practice sets celebrate their achievements with delightful animations and confetti, enhancing their motivation and self-assurance.

Check out this video for more information.
Please note, this feature is only available in the paid versions of Google Workspace for Education.


Did you know?

The Ministry of Education now funds Google Workspace for Education Plus upgrades for State and State-integrated schools. Make sure your school is taking up this offer to get all the extra benefits. The enhanced suite of tools enables digital transformation within schools, with premium teaching and learning capabilities and proactive security features.


To access these valuable features, get in touch with your local Account Manager or fill in this form to register your interest.

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