Noel Leeming Commercial

Whitegloving Service Helps Google School in New Plymouth

Creating an efficient, modern-learning environment with Chromebooks and Noel Leeming’s Whiteglove service.


With the school moving towards a modern learning environment and more students requiring devices, Fitzroy School needed to acquire new tech resources that support and enhance teaching and learning without taking time out of the classroom for teachers.


The choice of the affordable and easy-to-use Chromebooks and Noel Leeming’s Whiteglove+ service provided a simple and efficient way of getting the new laptops set up, registered and ready to go almost as soon as they arrived at the school.


Teachers can focus on teaching rather than the set up and management of technology and students enjoy the reliable and easy to use devices to support their digital learning.

“Choosing the Whiteglove service saved us 2 – 3 days of staff time setting up the devices – and the
Chromebooks were ready to use within an hour of them arriving at the school.”

– Matt Hill, Head of ICT, Fitzroy School

Tech tools become an enabler for Fitzroy School

Transforming teaching & learning with new technology
When Matt Hill, Head of ICT & Teacher at Fitzroy School, took on the task to review the current technology students were using in class, he was keen on looking at options that not only optimised their learning but also supported teachers in providing an efficient e-learning environment.

The current devices were cumbersome for students to use, requiring multiple logins to access their learning apps.

The power of Chromebooks
For Fitzroy School, the Chromebooks proved to be a fast, secure and reliable tech tool for students. They were easy-to-use, with only one login for students to access their personal account, documents and learning apps. Students feel confident knowing the devices are safe, providing a secure e-learning environment.

Not only are the students benefiting from the change of technology, but teachers are as well. With the Google Management Console, teachers have greater control over their students’ devices. They can easily manage the learning tools and apps students have access too, change or update apps on a single or group of devices – all from one central device.

About Whiteglove+ Service

Noel Leeming’s end to end setup process for Chromebooks so they are classroom ready as soon as you ‘unbox’ them. This service includes:
  • Register all devices into the Google Management Console saving hours of staff time. Once all devices are registered, the teacher has greater control of users, devices and apps across a number of Chromebooks
  • Enrolment of Chrome Education licenses to ensure devices can be managed seamlessly and comply with licensing standards
  • Asset Tag devices – physically label the Chromebooks and match to the Asset ID in the Management Console to allow easy tracking
    and identification
  • Connect all devices to the school Wi-Fi
  • Training – provide staff training & ongoing helpdesk support after delivery

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