Noel Leeming Commercial

Makeblock - mTiny

Early childhood education robot

mTiny is an early education robot for children growing up in the digital age. Its Tap Pen Controller is a coding tool that exercises children’s logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It brings computer programming into children’s real life, using coding cards and various themed map blocks to guide the child in exploring, perceiving, and creating through highly interactive, stimulating, and fun games. The continuously updated mTiny toolkit also fosters children’s interest in learning in math, English, music, and other subjects, and keeps them inspired.

Tap-to-code interaction

Tap and read coding cards – mTiny receives instructions and starts moving – mTiny identifies and responds to the interactive map.
The innovative tap-to-code interaction system and interesting storybook drive kids’ interest in learning.​

Tap to control mTiny
Playful interactive map
Positive feedback

Makeblock mBot

mBot is a STEAM education robot for beginners, that makes teaching and learning robot programming simple and fun. With just a screwdriver, the step by step instructions, and a study schedule, children can build a robot from scratch and experience the joys of hands-on creation. As they go, they will learn about a variety of robotic machinery and electronic parts, get to grips with the fundamentals of block-based programming, and develop their logical thinking and design skills.

  • Don’t judge it by size, he is a real robot that has many modes to play with, like obstacle avoidance, line-follow and etc. It is easy to build within 15 mins and can be controlled by remote or smartphones through Makeblock App (Apple/Android). Suitable for age 8+.

  • It’s up to you to decide if you wants to follow the guide or DIY it with your own imagination to make your mBot completely differ from everyone else, You can also upgrade it by purchasing the add-on package of mBot to DIY more forms of mBot.

  • Code it from all platform, the mBlock Blockly App (iOS/Android) is a great place to train the logical thinking for new coders. The advanced mBlock software (PC/MAC) is one of the most popular entry-level coding platforms with more than 450,000+ users helping bring creativity into reality.

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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