Noel Leeming Commercial


Our Built-in Cooking Centres (BICC) are fully functioning kitchens within our Noel Leeming stores, that showcase a variety of leading appliance brands. They are a great way for you and your customers to see a wide range of appliances in action and try out different features and designs.

Based in more than 20 locations around the country, there’s always an appliance specialist ready to demonstrate products and offer advice on the best options to suit any cooking style.

Just make an appointment at a location near you and we’ll make sure the specialists are available and ready for a demonstration. Our experts will provide the advice you and your customer needs to make the right decisions, and any orders made can be attributed back to your business. 

Conveniently get hands-on with the latest kitchen appliances, confidently make the right choice, and leverage the cost benefits of co-ordinating the provision of the top brands and latest products through us.

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Partnering with Noel Leeming’s Cooking Centre specialists helped SS Builder’s clients pick the perfect appliances for their renovations and added value to their experience of the builders as well.

Meet our Trade specialists – passionate about helping builders and developers manage the complexity of construction and help save money and hassle.

Our dedicated contact centre and insurance team help people all over New Zealand quickly and easily replace technology and appliances in response to insurance claims. We work with New Zealand’s top insurance companies, and have more than 60% of the market covered. 

Chat to our team today

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9


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